Be alert around trains! Trains are quieter and faster than youthink. Do not run, walk, or go near the tracks. Even if you don't see a train, it does not mean there is not one en route.
When you are at a train station or near the tracks, stay alert! Ensure your phone, headphones, or other distractions do not prevent you from being cautious and aware of your surroundings.
While driving, NEVER try to beat the train. Do not speed up your car and think you can beat the train when you see the red crossing lights flashing or the gate arms coming down. Instead, stop your vehicle 15 feet from the tracks and wait for the train to pass.
When crossing a train track, cross only at a designated public crossing. If you see the crossing lights flashing and gates coming down, wait until the train has finished passing.
If your vehicle gets stuck on the tracks, immediately look for the blue Emergency Notification System (ENS) sign, posted at or near a highway-rail grade crossing. This sign lists a telephone number along with the crossing's US DOT number and is used to notify the railroad of an emergency or warning device malfunction. Watch this "Find the Blue and White ENS Sign" PSA which shows you what to do if you are stuck on the tracks at the crossing.