Allensworth is the only town in California that was founded, funded, built, and governed exclusively by African Americans.
Its leading spirit, Lt. Col. Allen Allensworth, escaped slavery in Kentucky, served in the Union Army during the Civil War, and migrated West after Emancipation. Settling in Los Angeles, he built a summer home in Tulare County and joined with other black leaders to purchase land in the area. Inspired by the need for economic independence and refuge from racial discrimination in the region, Col. Allensworth directed the establishment of an all-black agricultural town that had 300 residents in its peak years.
Colonel Allensworth Historic State Park [CAHSP] is a tribute to Allensworth’s legacy. Established in 1976, the Park preserves 240 acres of the town center and includes 9 restored buildings and an outdoor staging area. The Visitors’ Center shows a video presentation, “The Spirit of Allensworth,” and arranges tours of the Park for visitors who call in advance at 661-849-3433.
The Friends of Allensworth [FOA] are a nonprofit association whose mission is to support the historic park’s educational and interpretive work. On February 8, FOA will host its 2020 Black History Month
Celebration. Visitors to the Park will have the opportunity to interact with docents dressed in period attire, go on self-paced tours of the Park’s historic buildings, and enjoy guest speakers and live entertainment. A variety of foods and craft items also will be available for purchase on Vendor Row. The Black History Celebration lasts from 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM.
Visitors will be able to relax and enjoy a train ride to Allensworth for this event, with discounted tickets on Amtrak’s San Joaquins train. With a Café Car and free Wi-fi, the train is comfortable and convenient, and it will pick up and drop off riders at the Park entrance. FOA will provide shuttle service between the train station and the Park. For reservations, call Amtrak at 1-800-USA-RAIL.
Book now using Amtrak San Joaquins Friends and Family discount. Just enter vcode 302 for up to 50% off tickets
Joy Browne, PhD
Friends of Allensworth
Col. Allensworth Historic State Park
Allensworth, California