In honor of Rail Safety Month, Amtrak San Joaquins and California Operations LifeSaver (CAOL) are reminding everyone to practice rail safety by taking caution when near rail grade crossings and remembering “When you see tracks, think train.” Whether on foot or behind the wheel, it is important to adhere to rail crossing warnings. According to the National Highways Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), every four hours in America, a person or vehicle is struck by a train at a rail crossing. Amtrak San Joaquins and CAOL are committed to sharing rail safety tips that can help lower that number.

1. Never try to beat the train. Pedestrians and vehicles must never be on the tracks when indicator lights are flashing, and they should never try to go around the the crossing gates. important to stay off the tracks if the grade crossing lights are on and the gate is down.
2. Respect the train and rail tracks. Only cross the rail tracks in designated areas, and never walk alongside the tracks in the right of way.
3. Leave your vehicle immediately if you get stuck on the track. For help, look for the blue sign identifying the crossing number and call the railroad to notify and alert trains.
Every year hundreds of people die needlessly on or around California’s railroad tracks. There is always a need to share rail safety education that provide Californians important information on how to keep themselves, their friends, and their families safe near tracks and trains.
Trespass Casualties
(Injuries + Fatalities)
Highway Rail Grade
Cross Incidents
California ranks #1 for
Trespass Casualties
California ranks #2 for Grade
Cross Incidents
You can learn more about California Operation Life Saver at https://caoperationlifesaver.com/